Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What's new?--Book Clubs

What about Book Clubs?

Book clubs have gained popularity in recent years. There are book clubs for all ages - even preschoolers. Preschoolers come to the library for a story and craft time. This can be a start for a lifelong love of reading. As children begin to read for themselves, they can participate in book discussions for their age group.

There are many benefits of being in a book club for school aged students:
·         Participants generally have higher grades
·         Participants have better language and literary skills
·         Participants use conversation to increase reading and vocabulary comprehension
·         Conversation allows new ideas to be presented and different perspectives to be formed.
·         Participants can make new friends
·         Participants can develop critical thinking through questions and answers.
·         Discussion fosters creative thinking and writing skills
·         Book Clubs expose students to a variety of genres

Adult books groups are also growing in popularity.  According to the Good Read website approximately 5 million people are involved in a book group. Some are purely for social reasons and others are for discussion. Regardless of the reason, there is a love of reading, whether it is the latest best seller or a nonfiction book.  There are three things that a book group does for people:
·         Book groups push participants outside of their comfort zone. Participants may read a book that they would not normally pick up.
·         Book groups promote discussion and analysis.  Every person has a different opinion and it can be expressed in a non-threatening situation.
·         Book Groups promote active reading.

The Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Libraries offer book discussions for all ages.  Call or stop by a branch near you to see what book we are reading next.

-Molly Brady and Dawn Weber

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