From the Director’s Chair
with Pam Coyle...
with Pam Coyle...

Although T. S. Eliot called April the cruelest month, February is possibly the dreariest. Usually cold, with little to do and less ambition to do it, you can become depressed if you have SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or don’t have a sweetie for Valentine’s Day, in financial trouble because you overspent on the holidays or owe the IRS, and disappointed if you have abandoned all but the easiest of your January resolutions.
Tell me something I don’t know, you say?
February is also Library Lover’s Month—a reason for rejoicing in my opinion. Find a way to convey your love of libraries to your legislators and other elected officials. Most people know that this month is Black History Month as well—come in to view the display done by our own Tamesa Hampton. This display and accompanying bibliography illustrate this year’s Summer Reading Program themes of Every Hero has a Story and Escape the Ordinary. Read about people who exemplify these qualities.
Other less known celebrations are associated with February. From National Blah Buster Month to Return Carts to the Supermarket Month to International Twit Award Month, February offers unique opportunities to put fun in your life.
On February 16th, do a grouch a favor, it is the one day of the year designated for this purpose; you can have a tooth ache on February 9th; on February 28th, you can observe Public Sleeping Day—just don’t wake up your boss with snoring or do it in the library.
The library can help you find this entire trivia and more to amuse yourself and your family on cold days and nights when you don’t want to move from your warm and cozy homes. You may want to put this trivia to good use by forming a “Brain Game” team and joining other teams to support Literacy efforts in the Eastern Panhandle in April. For more information call the Literacy office at 304-264-0298.
Although the library is a source of serious information from tax assistance [See article in this newsletter] to how to fix broken pipes, it is also a place where you can lose yourself in other worlds with science fiction and fantasy books, travel to other countries without leaving home, and enjoy the humor and foibles of other people through fact and fiction.
Yes, February can be a dreary gray month but it also can be the month you take time to explore different worlds, different times and different people either by coming to the library or searching our reference section of databases on our homepage.
-Pam Coyle, MBCPL Director
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