Sunday, March 1, 2015

What's new Harold the Bear--March 1, 2015

Harold the Library Bear celebrates Dr. Seuss Day

Hedgesville, WV – Today Harold the Library Bear had a special message for everyone:
“Happy Dr. Seuss Day!” Harold said, a tall, red, striped hat on his head. “Today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday,” Harold explained to me. “Today, he’d be 111!”
“That’s REALLY OLD!” Harold exclaimed, “and so are his books. But his books are different from some other old books, because they’re still really good and fun to read!”
“I like reading his really famous books like The Cat in the Hat, and Green Eggs and Ham,” Harold said, “but I also like some other ones, like Oh Say Can You Say? – that’s a book of tongue twisters! – and I think I read I Am NOT Going to Get up Today every spring when hibernation is over!”
            When I asked Harold what he most liked about Dr. Seuss, and why he was so excited about celebrating his birthday, he paused for a moment before giving me an answer.
            “I think I really like Dr. Seuss because he wrote really good stories, and he always worked really hard to write books that kids could read, even if they were just learning! He even drew all of his own pictures for his books!”
“Did you know,” Harold asked “the librarian told me that Dr. Seuss wrote some of the very first books for kids learning to read? He was so good at it that they named an award after him that they give to the best early reader book every year!”
“That’s really cool,” Harold said, “and so is Dr. Seuss! I think everyone should read his books!”

-Harold the Library Bear is a bear, so he doesn’t have a phone, but you can leave him a message at (304)-754-3949 or you can meet him Monday-Saturday in the Children’s Department of the new Hedgesville Public Library. His column appears every week on the Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Libraries blog.

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