Thursday, June 11, 2015

Windows 10--the wait is over!

Updates are almost here!
      The Windows 10 update is almost here. It will be released to the public July 29. This update will be revered by some and dreaded by others, depending on how attached the person is to their old processor. Many who have updated to Windows 8 are crossing their fingers in hope that the new update remembers how to computer. Sure, app interfacing can be nice, but it’s a hassle with a mouse.

       Many Grumpy impersonators (like me) have found their way to the desktop app and parked themselves there grumbling to avoid half-finished apps that already have superior versions on desktop mode. Adding to that, the app functions also heat up the computer much faster than the desktop interface as well. While its new interface boasts about quickly moving between programs with ease, this function does no good when keeping those programs open could potentially fry the hard drive. These are just a few of the problems that users hope will be rectified with the new update as they advertise that Windows 10 as combining the strengths of Windows 8 with Windows 7. (Windows Insider)

      Many of the changes that will come with the new update are not entirely clear. Microsoft has released their new help program “Cortana2” which appears to be Microsoft’s late response to Siri. They also talk about “snapping” apps into place, supposedly to make it easier to multitask and see multiple programs at a time. It looks like Microsoft is trying to take a step back and remember that Windows 10 will be used mainly on desktops and laptops without losing its app-like functionality; basically the functionality of Windows 7 with some of the pretty, modern abilities of Windows 8.

Side note: to all gamers, Xbox is coming to Windows. 

Submitted by Katrina Stracke


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