YA Skull Sessions
may take forever, but it’s totally boss
3.17.15 was more than St Patrick’s Day this year!
March 17th 2015
marks the
first trial of our magenta-colored Cube 3D printer.
Thanks to a
generous grant, Martinsburg Public Library was able
to obtain
four 3D printers (two white, two magenta, the colors
of which do
not determine its function, they’re just fun).
can see the
general size of the printer is smaller than a com-
mon printer,
about the size of smallish box. If you can see on
the computer
screen in the background, we're printing a rhino-
ceros head
that is a wall hanger (hang on the horn).

Martinsburg Public Library on Facebook for more
images and a
video of the 3D printer as it constructs the
rhino head
wall hanger. Very cool.
Check this
link to Cube’s website to see the possibilities –
people have
printed prosthetic arms, and these printers even have the capacity to print 3D
objects with food (hummus, banana,meat). Crazy?!
You decide.
3.17.2015 Erin K Henry
Nice to read this article will be very helpful in the future, share more info with us. Good job!Informative industry news