The last two letters in the acrostic poem for LIBRARY are R and Y. I've decided to combine them in this article. The final R stands for realistic and the Y stands for you. Although the library's tag phrase is "Find FREEdom at your library," and although we always emphasize that our services are free to the public, we have to be realistic and understand the costs involved.
Fortunately for the residents of Berkeley County, state legislator Clarence Martin introduced a bill in the 1970s that required a percentage of the property tax collected be used to support public libraries. By ensuring stable, reliable funding, this bill enabled the libraries in the counties of West Virginia to grow and provide quality services to everyone. Over the years, modifications have been made to this law but funding remains in place.
R is for realistic. It is a reality that libraries need funding if they are to provide their patrons with "free" services. This funding has to be stable, reliable, and sufficient to meet the needs of the community. Information in any format is not cheap. Whether the library is purchasing print materials, electronic databases, or e-materials, the cost keeps rising. Purchasing up-to-date computers to help with job searches or other services vital to our patrons costs money. Replacing HVAC systems that are sixty years old is expensive. Building new libraries to meet the growth and expectations of the new residents is extremely expensive.
Which brings us to the Y in LIBRARY. Why you? Without you, the library is simply a warehouse with a few staff people in it. With you, the library is a vibrant, exciting place for people to explore options and opportunities, to increase skills or learn new ones, and to hold discussions on a wide variety of topics and concerns.
Your support also means that when levies come up for a vote, you vote for libraries, understanding that the $10-20 you pay per year toward this service would probably not even pay for 1 DVD, much less the 6,000 DVDs to which you have access. It would not pay for 1 print book, yet you have access to over 200,000 titles. It would not pay for 1 month of Internet service, and definitely does not pay for the service to our 40 public access computers in Berkeley County libraries.
Your support also means helping out with fundraisers, donations, your time, your ideas, and your patronage at the libraries.
Again, this library has been extremely fortunate in regards to donations and bequests from our patrons. Please continue to think of the library when you consider the who will be the recipients of your charity dollars.
Other libraries across the country and the state are not so fortunate. Please encourage your local, state, and federal legislators to make quality libraries available to everyone!
Pam Coyle, Library Director
Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Libraries
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