The following list and excerpts are from the 2013-2014
Books Challenged or Banned by Robert P. Doyle published by the American Library Association.
He states "Sex, profanity, and racism remain the primary categories of objections, and most occur in schools and school libraries. Frequently, challenges are motivated by the desire to protect children. While the intent is commendable, this method of protection contains hazards far greater than exposure to the "evil" against which it is leveled. U. S. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, in Texas v. Johnson, said "If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable." Individuals may restrict what they themselves or their children read, but they must not call on governmental or public agencies to prevent others from reading or viewing that
Doyle continues "It should be noted that this bibliography is incomplete because many prohibitions against free speech and expression remain undocumented. Surveys indicate up to 85 percent of actual challenges to library materials receive no media attention and remain unreported. Moreover, this list is limited to books and does not include challenges to magazines, newspapers, films, broadcasts, plays, performances, electronic publications, or exhibits. "
Books that the Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Libraries owns are indicated by the
Have in parentheses after the title. Also noted are those that
we do not own or which are
long overdue. If you wish to read one of those titles, please call (304 267 8933) and we will get them from another library for you.
Alexie, Sherman
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Have)
Allende, Isabel
The House of the Spirits (Have)
Anaya, Rodolfo
Bless Me, Ultima (Have)
Atwood, Margaret
The Handmaid's Tale (Have)
Aylisli, Akram
Stone Dreams ( Do not own)
Chbosky, Stephen
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Long overdue)
Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor, and Anthony Esler
World History (textbook--do not own)
Ellison, Ralph
Invisible Man (Have)
Erlbach, Arlene
The Middle School Survival Guide (Do not own)
Follett, Ken
The Pillars of the Earth (Have)
Frank, Anne
The Diary of a Young Girl (Have)
Gaiman, Neil
Neverwhere (Have)
Green, John
Looking for Alaska (Have)
Ignatow, Amy
The Popularity Papers (Have)
Lyga, Barry
I Hunt Killers (Have)
Morrison, Toni
Bluest Eye (Have)
Myers, Walter Dean
Fallen Angels (Have)
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Intensely Alice (Do not own)
Othman, Norani, ed.
Muslim Women and the Challenges of Islamic Extremism (Do not own)
Rivera, Tomas
And the Earth Did Not Devour Him (Do not own)
Rosen, Lucy
I Am Bane (Do not own)
Rowell, Rainbow
Eleanor & Park (Have)
St. Stephen's Community House
The Little Black Book for Girlz: a Book on Healthy Sexuality (Have)
Satrapi, Marjane
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood (Have)
Stone, Tanya Lee
A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl (Long overdue)
Walker, Alice
Color Purple (Have)
Winter, Jeanette
Nasreen's Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan (Have)
Winter, Jeanette
The Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq (Have)