Friday, January 30, 2015

Bob O'Connor: Colored Troops of the Civil War

Bob O’Connor to Present on
Colored Troops of the Civil War

Local Civil War historian and author Bob O’Connor will give a presentation about the United States Colored Troops of the American Civil War on Saturday, February 7, at 2:00 pm at the Martinsburg Public Library.

Persons attending the program will learn about the 209,000 Black soldiers in the Union Army, the 449 battles in which they fought, the 68,000 casualties they encountered, and their experiences as prisoners of war in Confederate prisons. O'Connor will explain their roles in the war and the misconceptions about their service. The program will tell the story of this group of Civil War soldiers who, up to this point, have somehow fallen through the cracks and are virtually unknown.

Mr. O'Connor is an author and a historical researcher who has published ten books including six historical novels and four non-fiction books mostly on the Civil War.  He lives in Charles Town, WV, and has been named a finalist four times in the National Book Awards competitions.

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