Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Zombies in May?

Did you know that May is Zombie Awareness Month? The Zombie Research Society (ZRS) has declared the month of May (not October) Zombie Awareness Month to raise awareness about the undead and associates itself with a gray ribbon.

According to ZRS, "many films important to the evolution of the modern zombie are set in the month of May, from the original Night of the Living Dead (1968) to the well-received Dawn of the Dead remake of 2004."

Supporters of Zombie Awareness Month wear a gray ribbon to signify the undead shadows that lurk behind our modern light of day.

You may be asking, "What does this have to do with me?" Well, it is a time to heighten awareness and knowledge about how to be prepared for natural, biological, or manmade disasters.

To raise awareness, stop by the library between May 17-23 and take a quiz to test your zombie knowledge. What better time to celebrate the revival of the undead than during the spring season!

And in May, you might just see zombies in the library!

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